Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Natural

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Natural


Country: Ethiopia

Region: Yirgacheffe

Varietal: Heirloom

Process: Natural

Altitude: 1,800 MASL

Cupping Notes: Blackberry, Stonerfruit, Floral

The Chelchele Washing Station is located in the Chelchele village, in the Kochere district, in the Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia. This region is recognized as the birthplace of arabica coffee, and home to some of the highest quality washed and naturally processed coffees in the world. The coffees delivered to this station are grown under natural shade and with nearby nitrogen producing plants including false banana trees. The natural coffees here make for dynamic, fruit-forward cup profiles that are great as single origin coffees, or to add liveliness to blends. This lot was dried for about 18 days under the sun on raised beds before being milled and going through export sorting.

We get notes of Blackberry and Stonefruit, and a slightly Floral finish.

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